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Return to Sport

Dr. Matthew Kuik PT, DPT CSCS
Owner and Founder of San Francisco Physical Therapy & Performance

If you’ve recently had a Sports Injury or have been suffering from an ailment for a long time, it may be tough to recognize that it’s anything more than a minor ailment.

However, it is critical not to lose hope. You have complete control over your attitude, approach, and outlook. You can also start reclaiming what you’ve lost or getting back on track with your goals immediately. It’s also possible that some of your life changes are making it harder for you to strike a healthy work-life balance! But instead of becoming disappointed, accept change as an opportunity for growth and inspiration.

If you can connect to what I’m about to say, you’re not alone. We see athletes year-round at San Francisco PT & Performance.

Previously, medical practitioners would urge patients to “rest” or refrain from engaging in activities that produced discomfort. This, we believe, is ludicrous and may cause more harm than good by raising your sensitivity to future injuries. Over time, rest causes our muscles to weaken and atrophy! That is why so many people who sustain sports injuries frequently wonder:

"It's Been Months - Why Am I STILL Suffering From An Injury That Prevents Me From Being Active And Playing My Favorite Sport?"

Most individuals believe that if they sustain a sports injury, it will heal in a few days and they will be able to resume their activity or exercise immediately. When they return to their sport, though, they find themselves constrained once more—sometimes even more so than before. When you relax, there is typically little discomfort; nevertheless, as soon as you resume your activities, the pain returns, and no matter how much rest you give it, it does not seem to get any better.

Does it describe you?

A common problem we see is when patients go to the doctor and are encouraged to relax, wear a brace, and take pain relievers. If the injury has not healed after four weeks, they return, only to be offered more rest and heavier medication.

The difficulty is that full rest rarely helps for sports injuries like hamstring strains and ankle sprains. As a result, you may feel bewildered and frustrated due to receiving contradictory advice from numerous people. Perhaps you assume you have back pain, but the underlying root of your pain is in your hip.

While a full-body injury is uncommon, many sports injuries can be confounding because the source of discomfort isn’t usually the spot that requires rehabilitation. If you rest for too long, other aspects of your body will become equally difficult!

Many people are uncertain about what “resting” involves, so they continue to put off making a decision about their ailment and resuming exercise. Worse, many people simply accept the fact that they will no longer be active as if it is normal or a ‘must’ to be that way.

Is That How You Feel as Well?

If You’re Currently Frustrated and Living With a Sports Injury, Here Are Seven Additional Reasons Why It May Be Lasting Longer Than It Should:

  1. You expected it to go away on its own, but it didn’t.
  2. You went to the doctor, who advised you to rest, wear a brace, and take pain relievers – but the medicines did little to assist, and as soon as they wore off, you were back in agony.
  3. You were told by a family member or a friend that everyone becomes more prone to sports injuries as they age, so you just accepted it.
  4. You have previously sought assistance from other Healthcare Professionals or a Physiotherapist, but nothing they said or did appear to help.
  5. You’ve tried heating pads, ice, and sports braces, but they’ve done nothing to alleviate your pain or allow you to return to activity with ease.
  6. You thought resting would be a good idea because you were in a lot of pain, but it still irritates you on a daily basis.
  7. You chose to have a couple of “sports massages” in the hopes that they would relieve your pain, but all they did was make you feel a little ‘painful’ or relaxing,’ and did nothing to help your injury in the long run.

If any of these things have happened to you, we’d be happy to connect you with one of our physical therapists for a talk about what we can do to help. The fact that you’ve tried everything on the list is a blessing in disguise since it helps you to concentrate on what works!

If you want to chat with us over the phone and get some advice, please click the link below. The call is complimentary, and our only purpose is to assist you in making an informed decision about your next steps–with no pressure to plan visits with us later.

So, here are four things you can do:

  1. First and foremost, you must decide whether or not to seek help. Many people believe that their pain will ultimately go away on its own. However, they are frequently in the same amount of agony, if not more, a year later. As a result, they are unable to participate in sports or exercise.
  2. Then, perform the RIGHT workouts – Recovering from an injury can be a long and arduous process, but performing the right exercises will help you recover swiftly and safely. Physical therapy exercises will lessen your pain, increase your mobility, and help you to return to your typical activities sooner. Furthermore, these workouts can aid in the prevention of future ailments.
  3. Avoid “too much rest” – While rest is important during the recovery process, too much rest will not help you recover faster. Many people feel that complete rest from activity is required for recuperation. Rest prevents blood flow, which is essential for an injury to heal. It would be far more convenient if you were given appropriate rehabilitation and strengthening exercises, as well as hands-on care, to get you back on your feet and in excellent condition as soon as feasible.
  4. Get actual, “hands-on” Physical Therapy – Physical therapy has been shown to help people with sports injuries. Indeed, at San Francisco Physical Therapy & Performance, we assist clients in recovering from sports injuries all year. If your problem is preventing you from participating in sports or staying active, interfering with your job, or jeopardizing your independence while limiting your ability to spend quality time with family and friends, Physical Therapy may be able to help you get back to living the life you want as soon as possible.

If you’d like to learn more about how the San Francisco Physical Therapy & Performance team can help you get back to being active as soon and safely as possible, please contact us for a fully free, no-obligation, risk-free session.

So, the Next Question Is

“How Can Choosing to See a Physical Therapist at San Francisco Physical Therapy & Performance Help You Get Rid of Your Sports Injury for Good?”

To recap, the Physical Therapy professionals at San Francisco Physical Therapy & Performance may be able to help you return to a life free of daily painful and bothersome sports injuries so you can enjoy doing what you love.

If you want to know how much it costs and what availability we have, please click the button below and fill out the short form:

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